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Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics


Professor of Probability 

Research Interests: Probability theory, analysis, and mathematical physics.



Log‐Sobolev inequality for near critical Ising models
R Bauerschmidt, B Dagallier
– Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Log‐Sobolev inequality for the φ24$\varphi ^4_2$ and φ34$\varphi ^4_3$ measures
R Bauerschmidt, B Dagallier
– Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Kawasaki dynamics beyond the uniqueness threshold
R Bauerschmidt, T Bodineau, B Dagallier
Stochastic dynamics and the Polchinski equation: an introduction
R Bauerschmidt, T Bodineau, B Dagallier
The Coleman correspondence at the free fermion point
R Bauerschmidt, C Webb
The Discrete Gaussian model, II. Infinite-volume scaling limit at high temperature
R Bauerschmidt, J Park, P-F Rodriguez
Log-Sobolev inequality for the $\varphi^4_2$ and $\varphi^4_3$ measures
R Bauerschmidt, B Dagallier
Log-Sobolev inequality for near critical Ising models
R Bauerschmidt, B Dagallier
The Discrete Gaussian model, I. Renormalisation group flow at high temperature
R Bauerschmidt, J Park, P-F Rodriguez
Spin systems with hyperbolic symmetry: a survey
R Bauerschmidt, T Helmuth
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